Got Vision? Personal Visions and Goals
Many people think about them, but very few actually have them. Personal Visions and Goals. Personal Visions are important to have. If you have one and focus on it often, you will ultimately steer your life toward obtaining it.
Think of your vision as your compass, your GPS, or — my personal favorite — a lighthouse at the beach, to lead you through the storms and past the rocky ocean waves you’ll encounter as you make your way toward your final destination.
In developing your vision, ask yourself:
What do I want?
It may sound like a simple enough question, but it’s one of the toughest to answer.
So, ask yourself again.
What do I really, really, truly want for myself?
If I could have the kind of life that would make my heart sing, what would it look like?
At this point, your heart may be beating a bit faster. Can you really have that kind of life?
Yes, I believe you can. I’ve done it and I’ve helped a lot of clients lead passionate and fulfilling lives. It starts by defining what that life could look like.
Now, let’s talk goals. You must establish personal goals in order to get to where you want to go, as outlined in your Vision. As an example, here are some parts of my vision and related goals this year:
Start a business that will grow itself, ultimately turning it into a non-profit;
Manage time more effectively to end my work day by 6PM in order to spend more time with my wife;
Finish and publish another book;
Expand my prayer life by surrounding myself with prayer experts;
Spend quality time with my wife by planning two weekends away with each other;
Attend at least one in-person seminar or conference to further hone my skills or personal growth;
Do a five-night backpacking trip;
Grow my social media presence by 20 percent;
Give yourself permission to dream about your ideal life, even if you spend just five to ten minutes a day, and consider the following:
What really is my relationship with God? Have I put my full trust in Him?
If I could have more of something in my life, what would it be?
What should I eliminate from my life for good?
Which relationships do I need to nurture, or which ones should I release?
What is my relationship to money?
My secret passion or dream is…
What am I most afraid of?
What habits should I quit?
What can I do to bring more joy into my daily life?
What am I grateful for?
These questions are just a starting point, so take into account all major aspects of your life – friends and family (immediate and extended), church friends, charity work and, of course, fun and recreation. Also, examine thoughts centering on your daily career, activities, spending habits, your personal wellness and fitness, spirituality, and, of course, your spouse.
Got Vision? We would love to know if you have walked through this process before. What was the outcome? Be a difference maker today and inspire a reader by leaving us comments. Have a great week.
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