The Best Bang for your (College) Buck!
Begin Your Masterpiece
Years ago, after presenting at a week-long business conference, I struck up a conversation with the hotel clerk. She reminded me of my daughter – young, vibrant, and cheerful, with a welcoming smile. She introduced herself as Ashley.
“How long have you worked here?” I asked her. “Are you taking college classes?”
“Yes. As a matter of fact, I graduate in a few weeks,” she replied.
“What is your major? And what do you plan to do after graduation?” I asked next.
Ashley’s smile faded a bit. “I’m majoring in Psychology, and quite frankly, I have no idea what I’m going to do. No one has told me what I could do with this degree. All I wanted was to get the degree behind me.”
I was saddened by Ashley’s answer, but not terribly surprised. I’d heard the same words uttered many times over the years. Four (or more!) years of hard work, late-night studying and football games would all come to an end as students proudly flipped their tassel to the other side. But beyond that big day, very few had a solid plan. After spending thousands of dollars on an education, they would tragically enter the workforce with only a hope and a prayer.
And a whole lot of debt.
When Ashley told me the name of the university she attended, my heart sank. I knew it was prestigious and expensive. By graduation, she would have spent at least $100,000 for an education. Yet she felt clueless as to where to go next.
Recent statistics show that a four-year private school college education will cost students roughly $130,000. For in-state students completing a four-year education at a public college, that number drops to roughly $40,000. Students who spend two years at a community college and then two years at a private college will look at spending roughly $75,000 on tuition. Statistics also show the average student debt for a four-year bachelor’s degree hovering at nearly $35,000. A whopping 64 percent of students with a four-year college degree will walk away with some sort of student debt. And the average debt for a four-year private school education? Nearly $60,000. For perspective, that’s 12,000 Starbucks grande lattes, 6,000 Chipotle burritos and 4,000 movie tickets.
Like Ashley, you might find yourself near the end of your college career, buried in papers, exams and projects. With graduation day just around the corner, your excitement might be overshadowed by concerns over your looming future. Will you be able to afford to pay off your student loans? More importantly, will you be able to find a job that supports your lifestyle and allows you to pay off those loans? Things feel uncertain, unpredictable. The stakes feel high. You don’t want to let your parents down, yourself down. Moreso, you don’t want that hard-earned, pricey college degree to go to waste.
That’s where we come in.
College to Career was created just for you. We know the anxiety, the mounting pressure you face each day as you work so hard to succeed. That’s why we’ve provided all the tools you need to take those next steps. This life-changing book will discuss key strategies and concepts, including:
*Navigating social media
*Creating an outstanding LinkedIn profile
*Developing key accomplishments for your resume
*Finding meaningful internships
*Networking with influential professionals who are able to help you find the right career after you graduate
Believe it or not, each of these are easy to attain and paramount to your success. Employment opportunities will start pouring in when you are connected to 50-100 professionals prior to graduation. With the right tools at your fingertips, you’ll have a sweeping advantage over your peers at the end of your college career. Equally important, you’ll have peace of mind, knowing your hard-earned degree won’t be going to waste.
I’m not sure what Ashley is up to today. I’ll never forget that perky smile-turned-frown as she lamented about her impending post-college plans. I wish I’d had more time to chat with her and assure her about her future. I wish I could have offered her what I offer you today – the tools to turn your college degree into success.
If you’d like to journey with me, I’d be happy to be your guide, navigating you through this next step of your life. Without a proper navigational guide on a road trip, one might find themselves lost, frustrated, out of gas and at the end of an unfamiliar dead-end dirt road. But with the right navigational tools, one will end up on the right path. And that’s just what I want for you.
So let’s get started today!
The post The Best Bang for your (College) Buck! appeared first on In HIS Name HR.